L___ Delights

JR ____________

Odet N_______

Jay _________


Thelma G S_____

Maybel O____ C______

Lenie C______

Delle G______z


Outsource your Payroll, Bookkeeping and Tax Services with Us! Not all Small Entities (SEs) and Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have accounting or finance section in their businesses or companies, or, if they do, assigned personnel may not be that seasoned or updated! Consequently, you may have problems in your Payroll, Bookkeeping and Tax Compliance which at worst you may not be aware of. Engage our Services. We are trained, experienced, updated, visionary and solutions-oriented.
Learn First to avoid burning your hard-earned money on Tax penalties, surcharges and interest! Ignorance of the Law Excuses No One From Compliance Therewith. Enroll in our Payroll, Bookkeeping and Tax Guides Trainings, Seminars and Workshops which are designed for Non-Accountants. We conduct Live webinars and also, there's an option where You may study and learn anytime anywhere in your own pace via Video-On-Demand (VOD) Online Training. PLUS, take advantage of our FREE Bookkeeping and Tax Tips and Lectures in our PTABCP Business Coaching YouTube channel.
Ask Us! Consult with Us! Better consult and ask for advice than be sorry! It is your hard-earned money that will be burned on Tax penalties, surcharges, and interest... DO YOU KNOW?! There are Taxpayers who do not know that they are already in deep trouble but are not aware of it... DO YOU FEEL YOU HAVE A PROBLEM BUT Don't know what? ... YOU KNOW the general concepts, laws, regulations, or rulings but don't know how to apply them in your own business, company, or your own specific situation. TALK TO US!